Tuesday 15 January 2013

January 15, slip sliding away

Well I can't believe how quickly this month is passing, the 15 th already. I've been going through my log on dailymile and cannot believe how much I let my training drop. No wonder this is tough. I've done alright so far I reckon.
This morning I woke up tired, if you know what I mean. It's been a cold day and icy, cold makes me tired but heat even more so, and I've had the heating on in my room all day for the cold blooded people, this had left me feeling dehydrated and so as I walked home in the cold I could barely stop yawning. Quick turn round on Tuesdays, so it was in get changed, gulp a cup of coffee and grab some quick energy (Christmas cake) then back out to Junior running club. I'd barely left the house in my trainers before I was sliding on the pavements. The snow boots I wore going to and from work were blooming great. No slipping at all.
At club we decided to alter the route slightly to avoid side streets and run in the least sloppy areas. The kids were not bothered, they ran well and were skidding along icy stretches, really enjoying themselves.
Afterwards the adults gathered for club, my group set off the route we'd used for the kids, as I knew it was passable. We ran on the road on slippy sections, a few of the group are doing Brass Monkey half marathon on Sunday, so were taking it a bit easier. I still had to work hard to keep up. It was a good group, we only had a few short stops to regroup. Good job, no one likes standing around in freezing fog.
I also walked the dog and to and from work all at a decent pace.
Run 9 miles
Walk 3.85 miles
Total 12.85miles

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