Thursday 10 January 2013

Day 10. Gosh that went quick

Today was club training and my leg was sore from massage, so I never ran this morning, I saved it for tonight.
A cold dry night for a change, normally there's lucky to be 15 of us at training, tonight there were twice that many. New year new resolutions, wonder how many will still be with us in Feb. I hope they all are. It was nice having such a big group, though I don't know what the residents of Whitcliffe Lane thought, as 30 runners ran for five mins up their road and five mins down, making for 10 min efforts at good pace, we did that 3 times with 2 min jogging around rest periods. I enjoy this session., my leg didn't, but tough, it just needs to top complaining and get on with it, we jogged back to club and stretched. We had covered 5.6 miles, so I jogged home.
Run 6.5 miles
Total 6.5 miles

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