Friday 5 June 2015

Yey Friday. Rest day.

Friday, rest day, well it is as soon as I have done a short run for my runstreak. Just down the lane and back, then a relaxed dog walk before work.
After work I had my sports massage with Libby. It's been a while since my last one, 6 weeks, because Zi had to cancel due to something that came up at work. #workgettinginthewayoflife. Anyway, I've been looking forward to this, since 2010 Libby has kept the knots and niggles away as my training has increased. In fact I still blame myself for not going to see her after September for my back going in November. 
Today she worked on the knots I always get in my neck, left shoulder, tricep and calf. My left side is definitely weaker than my right, since my right has compensated so much these last few months. So now the knots are out and my muscles are all nicely stretched,  it's time to build the strength back up as the sciatica is very slight now.
So side planks and single leg squats as well as extra stretching will be added to my daily routines.
If anyone has any other sugestions for in proving my strength, flexibility and muscle tone, more on one side than the other please add in the comments section.

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