Tuesday 23 June 2015

Tiring Tuesday

It's national school sports week and our head of PE thought it would be good to run the distance from Ripon to Edinburgh 192 miles, so during PE lessons the students have been running laps of the track and adding the miles up, after school it was open to staff too, so I put on my shorts and ran until the new target of Edinburgh to London 410 miles was reached. I did 17 laps, running on a 400 m track repeatedly was tough, but I found a rhythm and just kept going it was good to run with the students encouraging them to keep going.
So after my 4 miles I went to running club to run with the juniors we did a short route and some of the youngsters struggled on such an unusually warm afternoon.
The group I ran with wth the adults picked a flatter route, but I struggled, I had run 7 miles already and now the warmth was getting to me, but I managed a steady 6 miler.
Tired now again
Walk 1.72 miles
Swim 0 miles
Bike 0 miles
Run 13 miles

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