Friday 12 June 2015

Rest day

Rest day means running early to give 24 hrs between runs so Zi was out before 6 this morning, it was a lovely morning for it, bright and cool but not cold. I dud strength and conditioning thus evening.
The rest of the evening was spent prepping for tomorrow's Swaledale Marathon, a 23 mile trail run that has some big climbs in it. I've beef done it before so I am a little anxious about getting lost and nervous about not knowing what I have let myself in for. The short spell of lovely weather that we've just been enjoying is due to end tonight with a 40 % chance of dry weather. So my pack is packed with the compulsory kit which includes waterproofs which I may need. And my marked up map and route description, I've also packed my glasses as it helps if I can read them.
So Im all sorted, now it's time for bed. 
Night all

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