Sunday 21 June 2015

Weekend, end of a tough week of training

LSR = Long Sunday Run or Long Slow Run, today's run was both.
I wanted to do 16 miles so that I've done the equivalent of a marathon this weekend. For a treat, we didn't set alarms and I had a lie in, 06:40. That's the latest I've slept in weeks.
You would think with over an hour's extra sleep that I'd be bouncing full of energy, bug I wasn't, I ached and felt tired from yesterday's training. 
After breakfast and walking the dog it was run time, it was so hard, my legs were unresponsive and Ijust could not get any pace or rythmn going. The run never got any easier, but I wasn't giving in, 16 miles was my target and 16 miles I would do.  My overall pace was a minute a mile slower than yesterday, but Icompleted 16 miles. The rest of the day has been doing very little.
Overall though this week was a good training week even though some sessions have been challenging.

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