Tuesday 16 June 2015

Slowly returning to normal

This morning I went for an early ride along the bypass. It was hard work, My legs are still recovering from the Swaledale Marathon on Saturday and my Sciatia will not stop being a pain in my butt, leg and foot. Still it was 12 miles in the bag.
This evening was Ripon Runners, the juniors gad thief race so I ran there, marshalled, I stretched while marshalling, and ran back.
When the adult runners gathered there were not as many runners as usual, maybe because loads of us raced on the weekend and also we gave a league race tomorrow night. For these reasons my group was mainly tired legged runners and we just did a steady 7 bridges. A nice gentle 5 miler to break my new trainers in.
Totals today
Walk 0 miles
Swim 0 miles
Cycle 12.8 miles
Run 7.2 miles

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