Thursday 11 June 2015

Another busy day

You've got to Greg the training in where you can, so after last nights race and late night I got my tired legs to cycle me the the 14 miles to work. It was nice cycling in sunshine and with very little wind for a change. After work I cycled home, had a sandwich and then went through to Ripon to swim. Before the swim I ran around the lake, my legs were wrecked, so tired. Then wriggle and fight into my wetsuit and into the lake, nice temperature tonight. Unfortunately the recent sunshine has encouraged the weed to grow. Yuk! I hate weed, it was just below the surface and often I had to run my fingers though it and at others it wax touching my feet, eek! But Idid 2 miles in the lake before getting out, stripping off my wetsuit and running around the lake again this time soaked to the skin.
Job done, time to put some dry clothes on and go to the supermarket for the weekly shop before coming home, have tea, and now I have logged and blogged, good night, I need sleep

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