Monday 8 June 2015

Back to work

And so the windy weekend is over, Its Monday morning and time to go back to work, and the weather? its lovely and sunny and still, typical.
It would have been a lovely day to cycle to work except my work today made it not ideal for biking, so I drove, good job as it meant that when my son (who has been at a festival all weekend) asked for a lift home I could give him a lift. Don't think I could manage to give him and his camping gear a croggy for 14 miles.
Exercise today started with core exercises and a dog walk this morning. After work, I ran to the pool for runstreak day 159(1 mile), swam and ran home before having tea, which by now I figured I had earnt. After tea I tried a bit of skipping with my new skipping rope, I managed 3 sets of 10, and a few odd ones. I hope that skipping will put some spring in my step.
Day 8 totals
walk 1.5 miles
Swim 1.27 miles
Cycle 0 miles
Run 2.2 miles
Skips 30

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