Wednesday 10 June 2015

Lots to smile about

Juneathon day 10. 
Lots to smile about today. After not driving for about 5 years and never enjoying it, Moving house in March has forced me back to it. Yesterday I managed single track country roads with wicked hills and bends. Today I managed more nasty hills going to Otley and even came home from Otley on the A1 and it was getting dark. Now that may not seem much to those of you who are natural drivers, but for me it was a massive deal?
Why was I going to Otley? To race of course. The Otley 10 is 10 miles of Tarmac with 2 wicked hills. I have completed it twice before. Tonight I was very pleased with a 9.23 minute per mile average pace getting me my 2 nd fastest time on the course.

Also I can finally smile again without a huge gap in my teeth. Many years ago a dentist removed a tooth but did not offer any thing to fill the gap, then Last year I was hit on the head with a gazebo and lost another tooth, so after many dentist visits I have a plate with 2 teeth on.

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