Wednesday 7 January 2015

#Janathon day 7 Workout Wednesday

Early rise for my runstreak day 7 effort. Just a mile, but it was done by 6 am. I did this route on day 2 and today I was 15 seconds quicker, yey!
The thing with training for endurance sports is finding time and trying to get a lwork/training/family/life balence. I have developed a routine which means that most days I am up early and then busy solidly after work, no rest for the wicked. It's not easy but it will all be worth it when Ironman UK and Equinox 24 come round.
So today went something like this:
Get up, run, eat breakfast, walk dog, get cleaned up, make packed lunch. Walk to work, work, got a lift home today, eat tea, go for a swim, go to watt bikes, come home, clean up, log and blog, go to bed. See, no time for mischief at all.

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