Wednesday 21 January 2015

#Janathon day 21, wicked Wednesday

I was very pleased with myself yesterday and my performance with Ripon Runners, 10 miles run between juniors and adults. My Piriformis wasn't, nor were my legs. This morning's runstreak was a real effort, my legs were tired and I certainly knew where my Piriformis was, But I managed a slow mile and a Dogjog too, but that wax definitely enough running for me today.
After work I went swimming and reached my target of 50 lengths in under half an hour before going to Ripon Cycle Studio for watt bikes. I didn't push the swim as I was feeling a little tired. Watt bikes was 6 x 6 minute efforts at above 200 watts with 2 minutes active recovery, this was a really tough session, my legs were on strike and it was a real effort as the lactic burned in my legs. I fought through though and reached my target. That was a wicked (evil) workout.
Tired now

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