Sunday, 25 January 2015

#Janathon day 25, some days are tougher than others

I am normally very self motivated but today I procrastinated about my bike ride. The plan said 3 hours 45 min at 130-140 bpm. It was drizzly and a bit breezy so I considered a turbo session. But I wanted to go out, I just didn't want to get soaked through.
In the end I went out, way later than I normally would. I set off and my brakes were sticking, I sorted them and there was a click in the back wheel when peddling but not when just spinning the wheel, I stopped twice to try and sort it, bug then carried on anyway. I set off to Masham, where I stopped for a comfort break. Fortunately the loos in Masham will fit a bike in too. I then headed for Bedale, practicing increasing cadence, but I couldn't get my Heartrate up so I stopped trying, From Bedale I headed to Northallerton and then turned for home. The road from Northallerton to Busby Stoop is quite flat, but if went on forever and there was nothing much to look at, by the time I reached Busby Stoop I was getting a big fed up. It was breezy but not rainy but the landscape is very flat and apart from seeing a couple of heron and some swans in fields, there was nowt to really look at.
I did notice something that I often see when out running and cycling along country roads, it's something that worries me.
Discarded alcohol containers, today without looking hard I saw beer/lager/cider cans, and wine, vodka and whiskey bottles. I worry why there are so many discarded alcohol containers on quiet country roads. Are people literally drinking and driving? Are there car loads of drinkers on our roads? The roads that I and many others walk, run and cycle.
The cider can above worried me today, in the space of a mile there were 10 of these cans and they were reasonably new looking, I wonder if there is someone in that area who regularly has cider in the car, to be discarding so many cans so far from habitation.
Any way I manage to avoid any altercation with inebriated car occupants and cycled 45 miles on mucky roads.
I also completed a mike for my runstreak, after Id cleaned my very mucky bike.

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