Thursday 22 January 2015

#Janathon 22, this Janathon is flying by

Normally at this point of Janathon, I am already counting down the days, but this year, I can't believe how quick it is going.
I have passed 100 miles of running so I am happy with that, I never made that many last year due to having a couple of weeks of minimal after my 2013 miles in 2013. The other Janathons though I ran well over 100 miles, I even made 200 once.
 Never had to do it with my new companion, sciatica before though. Way back on November 25 when Sciatica came to visit I thought I may never run again, but mind over matter got me through a 34 mile trail race in December, it did take 9 hours though. I rested, I carried on as normal but nothing would sort it out. Libby my sports masseur has released it enough to get me back to running, and I have run every day this year at least a mile a day. Every mile I run is precious to me.
Tonight's training was efforts of mixed distance and I found them tough but I got them done.

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