Sunday 18 January 2015

#Janathon day 18. Chrissie Wellington trained me today

I had a lie in before going for my runstreak mile today, I didn't go out until 7 am and had to come back for my YakTrax, otherwise I would not have been able to run or could have hurt myself, the pavements were so icy.    <a href=""></a>       The YakTrax I have are the Pro variety. I have had them for about 5 years now and as we do not get a lot of snow in Ripon I use them on icy pavements. I don't need them often but when I do, they are invaluable.
Whilst walking the dog, Billy and I discussed routes for cycling today. I felt the Vale of York would be the best bet as it would thaw first. By 10:30 it was obvious that the thaw would not be quick enough so we set up the indoor trainers. I decided to do a Chrissie Wellington workout                 <a href=""></a>      These Audio fuel workouts are great, the beat keeps you on track. I chose Ride harder 3, a pyramid session, it was a beast. It is a 90 min session and apparently equates to around a 2 hour session outdoors.
As I opened the bedroom window for some cooler air I could see it was snowing, so turbo was the right choice. The session did not disappoint, it was tough and afterwards, dripping in sweat I knew that I had had a good work out.
This afternoon was another dog walk in the chilly afternoon on ground still hard from the frost as the snow stated to fall again. It has not as yet settled though.
Recommended Items to ensure the weather does not hinder your training.
YakTrax snow and ice grips
Audio fuel cycling workouts 

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