Friday 16 January 2015

#Janathon day 16, over half way

Gosh this month is going fast, can't believe it's Friday again. Friday is 'rest' day, so I got my run in early to ensure 24 hr of not running swimming or biking. Can't do that with walking, I walk all the time, it's my mode of transport. Often when I am walking somewhere, I race people. They don't know they're in a race but I spot people ahead and challenge myself to catch and overtake them just by speedwalking.
This afternoon was another session with Libby for a not her sports massage to work out the knots in my left hand side caused by the sciatica. She has given me more stretches to try whilst I await my physio appointment. 
So now I'm all done for the day. Exercise done, work done, sports massage done, Jog, Log and Blog done. Feet up now before a busy weekend.

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