Saturday, 10 January 2015

#Janathon day 10 bright and breezy

Saturday should be a day for lay ins and after listening to the wind howling and whistling around the roof all night, a lay in is what I had, I didn't get up till 7 am then felt lazy for it. After a banana and a yogurt for brekkie, Billy and I set out to walk the dog. The wind was dreadful, it would stop us in our tracks as we turned corners. The training program is for 1 hour 20 minutes walking getting my heart rate up before a 2 hour 20 minute run keeping my heart rate down. So we decided to walk by the river. At Rustic Bridge there was a tree down and there were loads of branches all over and the rivers Laver and Skell were racing. We saw a couple of herons by the river bug not many other people or dogs.
Further along the Skell the water was really high, almost up to the path level by the confluence with the Ure. As we walked along the Ure, back towards home, we were really surprised at how high it wasand we had to climb on a wall under the bridge to be able to leave the field without having to go back the way we had come. 
The wind was not letting up, but when we got home and fed Jed, we set off for our run's, Billy went with Martin and I went on my own as I am much slower than them. I took a small water bottle and some dextrose with me. I went up to Studley to the deer park, 

Photo from a run in the summer

I seemed to be fighting the windy he whole way, I spent the nect hour and a half fighting the wind and slipping on the mud, at one point I suddenly found myself sat on my bum as I ran down a grassy slope with the wind pushing me along for a change.
By the time I set off home I was  tiring and my sciatica was niggling. I managed 10.32 miles in the 2 hr 20 min time scale, and continued on home. I actually ran 11.59 miles, I think if it hadn't been so windy I would have completed the whole run in the timescale. 
I am happy with today's run though it's the furthest I've run in weeks and I did both sessions running practically on empty, and there were 1700+ calories burned out running on this bright and breezy Saturday morning.

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