Thursday 27 January 2011

no dogjog for Jed

started the day on the turbo, missing swimming last night meant that my legs were strong and I managed 20km in 31 mins, then I walked the dog,
Tonight was club training night, Intervals. the session is fab, but my trg plan asks for more, so when the session finished at 4.12 miles, I did the stretches and ran home, to give a total of 5.3 miles for the day.
Now I am 6th for distance and 9th for lenght of time spent execising , with only 4 days to go.


  1. Impressive stuff! :-)

  2. You go for it!

    Keep up this hard work and you'll soon go up that table, but you've only got 4 days left to make it :)

    Well done!

  3. By my reckoning this morning - of the people that have run every single day - your "run" mileage puts you in FIFTH place! Keep it up Lena!

  4. how do you check your stats / janathon placings... would be nice to know I'm not actually last! :-) Well doen Lena, you are havign an amazing January! All the best for London

  5. On the Runningfreeonline site, go into groups, Janathon, totals, sort the table according to time, distance km, or distance mile
