Friday 14 January 2011

Janathon 14, Rest day. NOT

Today is a schedualed rest day, I would normally go for a gentle Dogjog, but Jed had his kennal cough vaccine a couple of days ago and we were told not to over exert him.
So I decided to work on my cadence, I ran for 1 mile with short fast steps, I found this quite tiring, but with practice, it'll hopefully become habit. i then ran home in my more comfortable long slow steps, giving me an average pace of 10:24, 5.8 mph.
I then had to walk the dog, so that was about 3 miles, but I dont log things like dog walks, walking to work or cycling to work, because I always do that.
When I got in with Jed, I fed him and hopped on the turbo for 20 mins, covering 13.83 km.
That is enough phys for a rest day I reckon, hopefully I'll do less tomorrow.

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