Monday, 24 January 2011

Janathon _ cant believe I'm 8th, (at the minute)

Wow just entered todays efforts and checked the table, I was 8th, cannot believe it. really chuffed with myself.
Today, I started with a Dogjog, and after work I walked the dog and then went for a  5 mile run, followed by a mile swim. Shattered now, but only 1 week left.


  1. Your a machine - Why cant you believe it!

    Keep going and make that top 5 :)

  2. Have you seen how many miles they've done? thats serious mileage

  3. Thanks for mentioning this until now I didn't know there was a table ! Just found it after a bit of searching. You are well up there Lena but to get much higher you have got to be running almost international/ olympic standards the leader is on 342 miles

  4. hey you deserve to be there, you are really working hard :)
