Tuesday 4 January 2011

Goodbye fishes and cup

Today I had to bury the two fish from the pond, Unfortunately they froze to death in that last cold spell, the pond totally froze solid and has just about defrosted revealing the two unfortunate fish.
Another sad thing was that I had to hand back my big cup which I got for being Ripon Runners most improved female 2009. At the end of the month it will go to another home. My shelf looks so bare without it.
I have posted off my entry for The Yorkshire Dales Series, (formally The Black Sheep Series). I am gutted that I cannot run the Burn Valley half marathon this year, its 6 days before the Triathlon. I love that race its definitely my favorite half, so scenic and challenging. I have also entered the Stokesley Novice Duathlon in March to give me a feel for transition.
Anyway today is day 4 of the Janathon challenge, I didn't sleep well last night and was back at work today. 15 Mins before it was time to leave for running club I got on the turbo and did 9.32 km, I am trying to toughen my butt up, that seat is mean. What it did do though was give me a great warm up before running club, I got off the turbo and walked the 3/4 mile to the clubs headquarters. I found the run easier than usual, here it is Janathon day 4 by lena1966 at Garmin Connect - Details the run sections were fast and I kept up nicely, we had regroups about every mile, which has made the pace appear slower. Day 4 of #Janathon done, and on not much sleep. Felt good though.
I have now dehydrated and refueled and as I am so tired its bath and bed for me. Night all.

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