Monday 9 June 2014

Juneathon day 9 busy day

Busy busy, that's me, dog walk before work, at the end of work I did gage dance class for 40 mins. It's great fun, but I am no dancer, I have no flexibility. I walked home then a dog walk again, then straight to the pool for a swim, only me in the land tonight, it was great, Garmin says I swam 983 feet and did 1466 strokes. Clever Garmin. 
I popped in the shop on the way home from swimming, got home, had a light snack and went to try out the gears on my bike. I picked a local hill
It was a steady climb to the hill, and then a quick twisty steep down and a long climb out of the valley to Galphay. The hill is not so steep at the other side. I cycled up to Galphay, turned round and came back up the steel hill.

Then a lovely downhill sweep back home, where I put on my trainers and headed out for a 15 min jog. I didn't push it because my legs are fairly tired already.
Back home it was 50 sit ups and 50 press ups ( the girly sort) and a 1 min plank.
It takes just as long to write it all up.
Day 9 totals
Walk 4.5 miles
Swim 1.68 miles
Bike 9.22 miles
Jog 1.32 miles
Plus 50 sit ups
50 girly presses 
1 min plank 
And some dancing

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