Thursday 12 June 2014

Juneathon day 12 getting tired now

Twelve days almost half of Juneathon and they have flown by this year, probably because I am so busy.
Today the training plan was OW swim, 2 laps of the racecourse lake. I did the usual walking today walking the dog this morning and afternoon and to work and back. At work I was so tired Ai was fighting to keep my eyes open. I ate some love heart sweets and felt better almost instantly. I have worked harder than usual this week at my training and clearly am not replacing enough calories. Lesson learned.
I biked down to the racecourse for swimming, and was very hesitant, the water looked a bit mucky and after I was all wetsuited up was informed that the water temp was 23 degrees c. I didn't think I could manage 2 laps. I got set of and the water was murky and felt cooler than 23 and so, ax I realised that all the recent rain meant the weed was mainly well below the surface I decided to do the 2 laps.
I then cycled home and I've had Ryvitas and cheese, so hopefully after a big break kid tomorrow, I won't have a repeat of today's low blood sugar. 
Day 12 totals
Walk 4.5 miles
Swim 1.8 miles
Bike 4 miles

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