Monday, 6 January 2014

#Janathon day 6 still not running

Still not run this year but I'm shattered. Cycling and swimming are not on hold. Today is swim day and a new training plan. Iam employing a coach for Ironman training this year and today was the stare of week 10 training. The swim session was massive. The longest swim I've done in months and the hardest session I have ever done, about 1.7 milesof drills., 100 kicking, 600 front crawl and that was just the warm up, then 4x100yd, 3x75yd, 2 x 50 yd 2x 25 yd. 1 x25 to get back to start then 200 yd open finger broken into 50 s and alternated with front crawl, then 200 yd head tap broken into 50s and alternated with front crawl. Then was 3x150 yd and at last cool down 100 breast stroke, 100 front crawl and 50 of backstroke.
This training is getting tough and there's 7 months to go to Outlaw, and 9 to IMWales.

1 comment:

  1. Inspiring as always, wish you all the luck with the rest of your training!
