Friday 17 January 2014

#Janathon day 17 an emotional day

Rest day, Aagghh! Sit ups and press ups to start the day, a tough day.
Today was the last day at my current job. Fresh start Monday. The hardest part was telling the class where I have been a TA for the last 4 months. I felt pretty rubbish when 20 year 5 children's faces dropped with the realisation of what I had said. Later a year 4 child brought me a picture he'd made.I maintained my composure. Even when the student I look after brought me a huge bunch of flowers.
The afternoon assembly was the end of me though, the reaction of the rest of the school brought all the emotions out. I'm such a softy. More flowers ANC I could barely speak my thanks.
So that's it, another door closes and on Monday I start work in secondary school as a TA to a visually impaired child. A whole new challenge.
I Finished today with half an hour's Pilates.

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