Friday 24 January 2014

#Janathon day 24, skiving doesn't make an Ironman

A dog walk this morning on hard frosty ground rather than the sloppy mud of late. Then a walk to work, and back home.
Home made pizza and trifle Made me lose any will I may have had to do the dreaded yoga. Don't know why, but I don't like yoga or Pilates, I think it comes from my dislike fir indoor training. 
Tick Tock, the clock never stops. 
Sitting procrastinating would not get the necessary evil conquered so I got my mat and IPad and got on with it. I decided to do a plank set to get me going, 1 min front, 1 min left side and 1 min right side.
My left shoulder/arm has been sore a while and the left side plank was a toughy.
Then 30 mins pocket yoga, and my runtastic six pack app, 40 l side leg lifts each side, 32 sit ups and 32 leg lifts. I finished the session with my runtastic squats app 40-18-16-28
I feel a bit better now that it's done, so  Silent Witness and Old Rosie cider to round off the day.

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