Friday 3 January 2014

2013 miles in 2013 round up

Total training/exercise 2013
Run - 34 - 210.0 mi - 41.8 hrs
Swim - 8 - 7.4 mi - 5.9 hrs
Bike - 6 - 71.9 mi - 6.6 hrs
Walk - 19 - 39.9 mi - 10.7 hrs
Total - 67 - 329.2 mi - 64.9 hrs
Run - 19 - 152.5 mi - 29.7 hrs
Swim - 5 - 5.4 mi - 4.1 hrs
Bike - 9 - 139.1 mi - 10.1 hrs
Walk - 24 - 76.1 mi - 19.9 hrs
Cross - 9 - 0.0 mi - 2.3 hrs
Total - 66 - 373.2 mi - 66.0 hrs

Run - 19 - 140.8 mi - 27.4 hrs
Swim - 4 - 4.2 mi - 2.9 hrs
Bike - 11 - 164.1 mi - 10.5 hrs
Walk - 30 - 72.7 mi - 21.3 hrs
Total - 64 - 381.7 mi - 62.1 hrs

Run - 16 - 125.7 mi - 23.5 hrs
Swim - 6 - 6.6 mi - 4.3 hrs
Bike - 7 - 222.3 mi - 16.5 hrs
Walk - 27 - 97.9 mi - 38.2 hrs
Total - 56 - 452.4 mi - 82.5 hrs

Run - 29 - 146.0 mi - 27.8 hrs
Swim - 8 - 9.3 mi - 7.7 hrs
Bike - 8 - 313.1 mi - 23.8 hrs
Walk - 28 - 93.7 mi - 26.5 hrs
Total - 73 - 562.2 mi - 85.8 hrs

Run - 37 - 164.0 mi - 32.1 hrs
Swim - 5 - 9.2 mi - 6.2 hrs
Bike - 10 - 335.4 mi - 24.2 hrs
Walk - 26 - 80.9 mi - 23.8 hrs
Total - 78 - 589.5 mi - 86.3 hrs

Run - 18 - 123.2 mi - 24.4 hrs
Swim - 4 - 5.3 mi - 3.6 hrs
Bike - 8 - 239.9 mi - 15.7 hrs
Walk - 29 - 106.4 mi - 31.8 hrs
Total - 59 - 474.8 mi - 75.4 hrs

Run - 30 - 159.8 mi - 31.7 hrs
Swim - 14 - 9.7 mi - 8.9 hrs
Bike - 8 - 145.3 mi - 10.6 hrs
Walk - 21 - 56.5 mi - 21.8 hrs
Total - 73 - 371.3 mi - 73.1 hrs

Run - 24 - 172.4 mi - 31.8 hrs
Swim - 3 - 1.0 mi - 0.9 hrs
Bike - 18 - 108.9 mi - 11.5 hrs
Walk - 24 - 68.8 mi - 22.6 hrs
Total - 69 - 351.2 mi - 66.8 hrs

Run - 30 - 242.4 mi - 45.6 hrs
Swim - 1 - 0.4 mi - 0.5 hrs
Bike - 14 - 48.5 mi - 5.6 hrs
Walk - 29 - 92.4 mi - 31.2 hrs
Total - 74 - 383.7 mi - 82.8 hrs

Run - 21 - 186.2 mi - 37.1 hrs
Swim - 9 - 10.8 mi - 8.1 hrs
Bike - 19 - 150.2 mi - 15.0 hrs
Walk - 28 - 76.5 mi - 25.1 hrs
Cross - 8 - 0.0 mi - 2.6 hrs
Total - 85 - 423.6 mi - 87.8 hrs

Run - 23 - 192.0 mi - 36.6 hrs
Swim - 8 - 10.0 mi - 7.5 hrs
Bike - 16 - 92.9 mi - 9.2 hrs
Walk - 30 - 81.0 mi - 29.1 hrs
Cross - 18 - 0.0 mi - 4.8 hrs
Total - 95 - 375.9 mi - 87.2 hrs

Run - 300 - 2015.0 mi - 389.5 hrs
Swim - 75 - 79.2 mi - 60.4 hrs
Bike - 134 - 2031.7 mi - 159.3 hrs
Walk - 315 - 942.8 mi - 301.8 hrs
Cross - 35 - 0.0 mi - 9.6 hrs
Total - 859 - 5068.7 mi - 920.7 hrs

The marathons and triathlons
2013 Marathon Details

January     3 laps of Ripon26.94 miles5:28:08     
February3 laps of Ripon 27.41 miles5:35:19     
MarchTrollers Trot, trail run plus a mile or 226.23 miles5:41:48     
AprilBlackpool Marathon26.30 miles   4:44:15     
AprilManchester Marathon26.20 miles4:28:44     
MayStudley Deer Park drive  26.77 miles5:20:00      
JuneStudley Deer Park Drive27.00 miles5:45:21     
JulyMarathon as part of Outlaw Triathlon  26.43 miles5:46:23     
AugustRipon Cathedral to York Minster30.66 miles7:33:54      
SeptemberRobin Hood Marathon, Nottingham26.36 miles4:51:27     
OctoberYorkshire Marathon26.49 miles4:24:25     
NovemberGoathland Trail Marathon27.57 miles6:01:45     
DecemberFrostbite30 Ultra29.87 miles  6:27:22        
Outlaw Triathlon July 2.4 mile open water swim, 112 mile cycle, 26.2 mile run - Nottingham140.6 miles

Vitruvian Triathlon August1.2 mile open water swim, 52 mile cycle, 13.1 mile swim - Rutland Water66.3 miles6:36:56   

As you can see, I've had a busy year. In the middle I got the race bug and put the challenge in jeopardy, I was exhausted. In October I gave up cycling and swimming and managed to run 242 miles, including my fastest marathon of the year, the Yorkshire marathon 4:24, this was my all time 2 nd fastest ever marathon time.
In November I had to start incorporating cycling and swimming again as part of the training for my 2014 challenge of 2 iron distance triathlons within 50 days.
In March my gorgeous Granddaughter was born and training sometimes goes on hold because I want to spend time with her.
In July it was hubby and I's 25 th wedding anniversary. It was a couple of days before Outlaw so we didn't celebrate at the time. When I finished Outlaw, Billy ( who had already finished) surprised me with a vow renewal.
In July I also left my job at Outwood Academy due to restructure.
In September I started a new Job at a primary School as a TA. I also met the Brownlee brothers at the Brownlee Tri. Lovely young men.
In December I got a T A job at Outwood and so the New year will bring a job change for me.
Finally, on 31 st December I completed my 2013 challenge with a 1 mile run at Studley with friends family and Jed.
Friends ran a mile in other parts of the world too.
I have, with your help raise over £1200 for the British Lung Foundation.
Thank you all for your support during a very busy year.

1 comment:

  1. A fantastic effort, Lena. Well done and good luck with your next challenge.
