Sunday 26 January 2014

#Janathon day 26 Challenging the weather

What a day! Windy, cold and driving rain, jut the day for a long run. Unfortunately I needed to do my second training run for London marathon, so weather had to be ignored.
It wasn't too bad when I first set out, but within 30 mins the rain started to fall and the howling wind forced it horizontal at times.
I had picked a hilly route and the higher I was, the colder it felt and the rain became sleety. Oddly enough I didn't see many people, they probably had more sense than me. The run was very unpleasant, but very satisfying at the same time. Last weeks run had been a struggle, it was on flatter ground but my legs weren't playing. This week my legs were playing, what a difference, shame I was soaked to the skin and freezing cold. Had the weather been better Zi would have added a mile or two more! but I was more than ready to go home once I had reached my planned 16 miles.
I have only need as cold wet and uncomfortable when running once before. Today's weather was similar to the 2012 Manchester Marathon and that was the end of April, so you never know London may be like it on 13 th April. So all good practise.
Warm and dry now though.

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