Saturday 11 January 2014

#Janathon day 11 first brick session of the year

We had a reasonably early start to walk the dog then, Billy and I went to Martin's with our trainers in a bag. It was a cold bright morning which makes a change from recent says.
It's a while since I've ridden with the boys, lately they've gone off together on the road bikes and I went of and did my own thing on the mountain bike. But I've been doing hills to improve my strength. As usual I was soon trailing at the back, bug what surprised me was that I gained on them on inclines. They got away again on downhills, I'm still really wimpy on descents. We picked a hilly route so there was plenty of opportunities to catch up, I worked hard and did just that.
When we got back to Martin's we stripped down to running gear, the boys left me standing. I had cold feet and new shoes, It felt like I was wading through mud, but I kept chasing and ran a 9:06 min pace for 2.3 miles, that's good for me, even more so after an 18 mile hilly bike ride.
Not bad for first brick session.

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