Saturday 18 January 2014

#Janathon day 18 wet and foggy

Today was a bike/run brick day. If I wasn't training for Ironman Wales, I'd have stopped in bed. Instead Billy Martin and I headed for Masham on the road bikes, the fog got thicker and the boys disappeared into it. They kept waiting, I felt I was letting them down but just couldn't go any quicker. 
When we got back  25 miles later, We ran seperately, I did transition quickest but it wasn't long before Billy overtook me running comfortably. It was not a comfortable run, I was wet and cold and couldn't feel my feet until I had to stop for a road, then as feeling returned to my feet I felt much more comfortable running but only had a mile to go, 3 miles run. In under 30 mins, so happy with that

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