Thursday 2 January 2014

#Janathon day 2

Still no running for me, yesterday I just walked 4 miles, I was overhung from too much celebrating the new year and completing my 2013 challenge. So much so that I blogged but never published it, it was still a draft. Anyway it's published now.
Today, feeling guilty about yesterday I started the day with a 1 min plank in my nightie before getting dressed. I have walked the dog twice (3 miles) done a 1 min plank set, yoga, an abs workout and some press ups. Then after tea I went on hubby's rollers and bike.
I'm not very good on rollers yet, It was only my 2 nod attempt. But I made myself do it, My balance is not great and my confidence poor, but I did 30 minutes, what a sweat fest. I'm not used to constant pedaling, I am a lazy cyclist, pedal a bit, coast as much as possible.
I hope to do rollers more often, I can only improve.

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