Thursday 21 January 2016

Thursday Bbrr! Day

After another poor nights sleep I got up at 4:45 to get on the Turbo. I did a 45 min set, but warmed up an extra 5 mins. I like TrainerRoad, it give my training structure and me something to focus on, it's just I never seem to set it up quickly. Anyway I picked a high cadence session. I found it tough today, my legs were tired from last nights run. I soon worked up a sweat. That didn't last long. I cooled pretty quickly as soon as I stopped.
I put a couple of extra layers on and set off in the fog to do a short run. It was not just foggy, it was freezing fog nd the pavements and roads of the estate were really slippy. So I ended up gentle jogging, 
But it was done, slow and steady, glad I put extra layers on though.
This evening was Pilates, a nice relaxing stretch for an hour, I say relaxing, but it's tough keeping balanced for so long.

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