Thursday 14 January 2016

There are always days like this

Last night I ran hard, when I woke up this morning my legs were tired and I could not be bothered to run, so I didn't. I walked the dog and went to work.
When I got home there was a little time before tea, so I ran down the lane and back. I didn't go to running club tonight, instead I went To the Ripon Charity Panto.
The panto was at the Leisure Centre and was Babes in the Wood. It opened tonight and is running nightly until Saturday, there is also a matinee on Saturday.
The Panto was great fun, the seats were full of children and adults and all joined in and had a great time. It was great seeing students from work and a colleague. All the performers were amazing and it was apparent that a lot of time and dedication from everyone had gone into the production.

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