Saturday 16 January 2016

Squeezing it in Saturday

This weekend we have our granddaughter, that means we have to juggle training around looking after a 2 1/2year. So it went like this,
I got up with her then jogged with the dog when hubby got up, there was a lovely sunrise offer God snowy Cleveland hills.
I then did my turbo and run, and we all went to a local shop that was closing and got some triathlon bargains like run shorts 50p and Tri shorts £5. We then walked around the shops in Richmond and got some groceries. We had lunch out before coming home. 
Hubby then went on the turb whilst I I ironed and prepped tea as granddaughter slept., When hubby finished his turbo and brick run, I walked the dog. 
I've also been stripping the living room out, ready to be decorated next week.
Then it was teatime, phew! An extra tiring day. You triathletes out there with young children really have your work cut out.

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