Friday 15 January 2016

A nICE start to a rest day

Rest day, or rather recovery day. Today was a cycle recovery day, I did however do my 380 th Runstreak 
. The alarm went off at 5 am and after breakfast I combined walking the dog with a run, Dogjog, we ran down the lane, which glittered under its layer of frost, glinting under the starry skies. The puddles were like glass. It was a stop start run, a bit of an interval session really, run hard, recover whilst dog sniffs, run hard, over and again for 1.77 miles.
I then drove to Ripon to do a swim before work. I got in the pool at 7:15 and set off to do a mile, keeping my eye on the clock. I felt like I was swimming strongly as the tiles passed quickly by.
After 35 minutes I got out and realised that I had not started my Garmin, very annoying when I had such a good session.
So from the pool to work and the start of my rest day.

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