Monday 18 January 2016

Mad Monday (what's new)

Well, we're 3 weeks into the year and the training habits are forming. Even though I dread the 5 am alarm on a Monday and Thursday, as soon as the training is over I feel good about myself.
This morning I did an endurance session on Trainer road when I turbo'd 45 minutes trying to keep a consistently high cadence. Then I went for a short run, had breakfast and walked the dog. 
All before going to work. 
After tea it's swim class at Bedale pool, it starts a bit late really, 20:15, and working hard so close to bed time makes it difficult to wind down. Tonight I felt I worked really hard, but I still can't get under 2 minutes for 100 m. Oh well, I'll keep trying
So that's it for today, the training regime and work don't leave much time for anything else.

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