Sunday 10 January 2016

Foggy bike ride, Hilly Night Race

This morning I went out on the bike for 27 miles, it was tough, the weather was wet, windy and cold. It was also very foggy. I felt the bike ride was hard, I was soaked through and I need new waterproof gloves, my hands were so cold, particularly my thumbs.
Took me a while to warmup.

Challenge is what Hardmoors means to me, and this was a challenge, advertised as 6.8 miles it was actually 7.67 by my Garmin. 
The weather was awful, it was cold and raining and the higher you got the stronger the wind blew. Billy came with me and stayed with me most of the time. It was a tough race start to finish.
We started running uphill in mud and were soon climbing the first of the 3 hills, the route is mainly paved and stepped but there is still plenty of deep wet sections and muddy sections. 
We started at Clay Bank and ran over ther three hills known as the 3 sisters to Lordstones, where we gave our numbers, turned round into a headwind and ran back the way we came. 
The longer we were out, the stronger the wind blew, I was quite scared at times, it was so strong.
We finished in mud, soaked through. and quickly cooling, we changed in the carpark and got ourselves home and warmed up again 

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