Monday 4 January 2016

Back to work

Back to work means getting some routine back in my life.
Last night however, I slept very poorly, so the early alarm for the first of my new turbo sessions was not a welcome sound. I have started to use the TrainerRoad program to focus my sessions. I really should have set it up last night, I ended up faffing on and by the time I was ready to start I realised I didn't have a drink, so I had to go and get one, I wasted so much time that I picked a 45 minute session rather than an hour. 
I picked an interval session, it was so hard but that's where gains are made. 
Anyway, session over, showered and breakfasted it was time for work.
After work I went for a dog walk before tea.
After tea I had a break of a couple of hours or so before swimming. I decided to run to the pool. I am really struggling to put an end to my hard earned Runstreak.
The swim class was tough, 
12 lengths w/u, 
8 X 25m with 10 sec rest
6 X 50m with 15 sec rest
4 X 100m with 20 sec rest
6 X 50m with 15 sec rest
8 X 25m with 10 sec rest
Cool down
I was put in the faster lane and really had to push myself.
So today has been a big busy, time for bed now.

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