Sunday 17 January 2016

Chilling on a Sunday morning

Longest none stop run in ages today, still playing granddaughter tag, so hubby walked the dog and I went out as he came back in. I picked a route with a hill, about 8 miles I thought.
I set off in fog with icy patches on the paths and road. I set off steady and picked the pace up as I went. It felt very cold after the unseasonable start to winter so I was well wrapped up.
I saw a kestral by the golf course, I love seeing the raptors whilst Aim out and about. As the run went on the temperature did not rise, there were a few really slippery patches but I pushed myself on the up hill sections. I soon realised that I was running well so decided to go for 10 miles, this meant that I needed to keep pushing myself so that I was not late home.
I ran past a field full of metal detectors, the recent finds locally may have drawn them in.
Then as I ran around the park, I could have sworn I heard a woodpecker. 
Today's run was lovely and peacefull, even if it was a bit chilly, and I worked hard and achieved 10 mikes at sub 10 min mile pace

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