Monday 11 January 2016

Busy busy busy

This morning was another early start. I got up at 05:15 and was on the turbo by 05:30. I used TrainerRoad again, I did a 45 minute interval session, it got my heart rate up to start the day.
Afterwards I ran a mile in the chilly fog, keeping the Runstreak going, kinda don't want to stop.
After work I went out for tea with my work mates. It was nice to do something none training related, but the respite was temporary as I had to get back for my swim class at 20:15.
Swim clas was brutal tonight 
Warm up 1200 m
100m kick
100m hand paddles
100m catch up
100m Zip
6 X 50m on 1 minute 
200 m cool down. 
Then I finished off with 100 breast stroke.
Tired now, just a few moments to blog then bed before another busy day.

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