Monday 6 June 2011

Juneathon 6/30 Reality dawns

I always knew triathalon would be tough but today I realised that I maybe too big a wimp to be a true triathlete I am improving at swimming but I have heard horror stories about swimming in these competitions where you get dunked and your goggles get knocked of, elbows and knees digging in to you. I intend to swim at the back to avoid all thisAlso on my cycle ride this evening I was tootling along on my heavy old mountin style bike when I was passed by a group of cyclists on road bikes on a narrow country lane, they were flying initially I was jealous of their speed but as they approached the corned they moved onto the wrong side of the road. i was horrified What If there had been a car coming? I really am not brave enough to ride like that. I had to break to take the corner and I was only going about 20 mph. The running bit is the only bit that does not scare me. I know I need to be braver. But then again some one has to be last. May as well be me.


  1. Hopefully your tri will be on closed roads so you wont have to worry about on-coming traffic. Just think of some of the nutter drivers you meet on the roads when running and you cope with them o.k. :)

  2. Don't worry too much about the swimming. If you start at the edge of the pack, you'll be fine.

  3. Something tells me Lena that with your grit and determination, you will NOT be last!! Go girl!

  4. Hey although I pretty much hate swimming I have done two triathlons (a sprint and an olympic distance) and I found that the horror stories about goggle pulling etc simply weren't true. I suspect that it may happen in the boys races amongst the really competitive ones but there are generally fewer people in the girls wave and I think us girls are a bit more civilised and polite and realise that getting into a fight probably isn't the best way to shave off the seconds. Good luck with your training and Juneathon
