Monday 13 June 2011

#Juneathon 13/30 I cant do this alone

Well another busy day. DogJog before work. We went up to the deer park the deer were beautiful in the early morning sun. Even though it had rained all night it was not cold it was really humid. Hubby was working from home so he got my bike out for me and fed the dog so I was not late for work. When I got home tea was organised and the dog was walked. This meant we could go for a swim together at the pool. Hubby was still tired from Saturdays lake swim he did 24 lengths and I stayed in for another 30. Tea was homemade steak and kidney pie roast potatoes.and cauliflower cheese. . I am so lucky having a hubby who is such a good cook. While tea was cooking he threw together a batch of mince pies from the minxemeat he made at Christmas. i ate my tea and then it was time to meet Vicky for.our weekly bike ride, just as the mincepies were coming out of the oven so I'd have to wait. I am now home after a loveley 14.6 mile bike ride, bathed and ready for bed. Had to stop blogging for a mo as hubby brought through mince pies and cheese, chocolates and a glass of homebrewed elderberry wine. I am so spoiled. I could not do the things I do without the support of my wonderful husband supporting and feeding me.


  1. Yay for domesticated lovely husbands!

  2. My word Lena, not only are you someone to aspire to in terms of your athletic prowess but your husband sounds pretty incredible too. I'd better pull my socks up or my wife will be looking elsewhere :-) and go and run, bike, swim, bake, cook, brew ...... etc etc

  3. Congratulations! Lovely post.

  4. Thanks for explaining about the Garmin, it sounds a bit too technical for my old brain.
    You're doing some wonderful training sessions, and keeping well nourished by the sound of things. No wonder you're so fit!

  5. We’re lucky to have understanding partners, who join us on the occasional jaunt. All this blogging and logging takes more time than the actual activities! I’m very grateful for everything my wife does for me to allow me to try and achieve my sporty goals. Keep doing what you do Lena, you’re very inspiring.
