Friday 3 June 2011

Janathon 2/30 HDSRRL Richmond

Just a little update on last nights race. No beating around the bush, I found that really hard. As I said yesterday I felt tiredcall day, the fact that the weather had become suddenly hot again and Im rubbish in heat. All I wanted to do yesterday was sleep. Anyway the race. It left the atheletics track and turned UP to wards the ranges wher it continued UP on a track. There were a couple of steep DOWNS but we were still working our way UP. Eventually we hit the road and the course leveled out afor aa bit. At about 3 1/2 miles it turned DOWN towards Scorton a DOWN it went. I had struggled up the hills passed people walking. I could have walked but refused. Now we were goung DOWN I was being passed by the ones who had walked. ANNOYING. Some people were walking on the flats too, I could have walked, I wanted to walk but I didnt but I couldnt catch the Walkers and eventually they beat me, but I ran it I ran it all . 1 ran a tough 6.48 mile race in the warm with no water stops in 64:34. Ok so its not fast but I have done alot of training for thr tri this week and in the last 10 days I have raced 4 times, 1 marathon and 3 10kms and I have another 10 km race on Saturday.


  1. Bearing in mind the warm conditions and all the UPs you shouldn't feel so down with that performance. At least you kept going, well done Lena :) Have a good one on Saturday!

  2. Bearing in mind the warm conditions, you should also consider whether you are currently participating in JANathon? I would genuinely inteested to carry out a proper run/walk strategy over a distance race. Supposed to be very effective actually. But well done for sticking to your goals :-)

  3. A pretty good effort and you should be well pleased after all life is all about taking part and not sitting on a sofa letting life pass you by
