Tuesday 14 June 2011

Juneathon 14/30 Just a run

Well i was going to cycle to the racecourse for a swim before running club but hubby phoned and said he was on his way home ( normally works away) so I needed to return last nights fab meal rather than be selfish and go off on my phys campaign. I'm not as good in the kitchen as him and decided on Lamb chops, new potatoes and peas, not very adventurous but nice and summery. I cheated and bought trifle for pud, cause it drew my eye in Sainsburys. So just a run tonight. Vicky was late from work so we didnt go to running club, We went out on our own. I set my Garmin for heart rate training. Might as well make more use of its functions. I picked heart rate zone 2 111bpm - 148bpm. It was odd having to change pzce and even walk at times to remain in the zone. It ll take some gettting used to. It was very humid tonight and hard work. We also got nettled and scratched on overgrown pathways. But it was enjoyable, if not fast.

1 comment:

  1. 2 weeks complete - Yay! I'm not very good at using my Garmin functions. I just switch it on and go!
