Saturday 25 June 2011

#Juneathon 25/30 Head in the clouds

Got all my phys done by 9:00 this morning. I had wanted to do a decent distance on the bike but ran out of time because I was going with my running partner to Hawes to look at the Wensleydale Triathlon route. We are doing this in August as a realay with another friend who will do the 1.5 mile swim in Semmerwater I am doing the bike part. The clouds were low and it was windy and rainy. Semmerwater looked like a sea with the waves breaking on ths beach. The bike route leaves the lake via a 1in 4 hill going up for about a mile then heading steeply down towds Bainbridge. The whole route was like that, at least 5 1 in 4 hills to clinb and descend. The views could have been stunning if only we could have seen more than 50 m in the mist. Its a pretty tough 42 mile route. I can see me getting off to push in places. My friends run route is 6 miles up the Penine Way to the peak of Shunner Fell and back down into Hawes. We now understand the scale of this challenge. Hope the clouds are higher and the wind stiller on the day because I could be a beautiful but tough Triathlon. Phys today 4 mile dogjog 4.6 mile cycling to and from racecourse 1 mile OW swim

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