Saturday 11 June 2011

Juneathon 11/30 dogjog swim and cycle

A busy day. Never slept well last night so was up at 5 am this morning. First job was to get Jed out so a jog by the river was the plan. It was lovely and peaceful not s sole about. Loved watching the ducklings of mixed ages bobbing about on the Skell. Next job was to get a swim in the racecourse lake done. The Great North Swim is next week so I needed to get a mile in. I also need to do a cycle as the Black Sheep Olympic distance triathlon is 4 weeks today. So I cycled to the racecourse for a swim in the lake. Hubby drove down with the equipment. The water was cold today 11°c but there were plenty of swimmers in already. Started well got my face in the water. There were loads of fish about I saw a massive perch and a couple of good sized carp. Everything was going well until just after half way I got the breathing wrong and dwallowed loads of water and ended up coughing and spluttering and floundering for a while.but I recovered my composure and set off again. After getting out of the water and my wetsuit I dried off a bit and set off on the bike. 10 - 15 miles was the plan but I was enjoying it and extended it a bit. Almost made my target of 15 mph average so well chuffed. Totals today were run 3.41 miles swim 1 mile cycle 21.08 miles. Today I reached 50 run miles for Juneathon. Totally shattered and had to go fir a kip after lunch


  1. "had to go fir a kip after lunch" - that makes two of us :) Don't know how you managed to keep going after downing lake water, you're amazing. I would suggest a rest day tomorrow but I guess you've got more of the same in mind.

  2. Inhaling lake water = nasty!

  3. Yesterday really was busy! You are doing so well, I’m really proud of you. I’m also impressed with your knowledge of fish. Open water swims still terrify me… so well done for conquering them.
