Friday 21 June 2013

Juneathon day 21 it's been a long day

It really has been a long day ironic that its Summer Solstice. I awoke about 4ish and was still awake at 4:44 so I got up, had breakfast some telly, there's a weird mix of programmes on at that time of day. I ended up channel hopping.
Exercise wise, today I have walked the dog twice and I had a couple of meetings a couple of hours apart at the other side of town so I came home for lunch in-between. So that was at least 8 miles of walking. After tea Billy and I fitted tri bars to my bike, I then went to try them out, just short of 19 miles, I then went for a mile run.
I didn't get. Sat down until 21:00, but that's maybe not a bad thing, I have ached all day today from yesterday's sprint session. I have stretched well after my cycle and run, that should help.

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