Thursday 13 June 2013

Juneathon day 13, mixing it up a bit

What creatures of habit we are. Somehow I have started to take Jed the same route for his morning walk. Even so, the view changes daily as the seasons roll onwards.
Today I decided to do the usual route,but in reverse, this confused Jed a bit but he's adaptable. It is amazing how different things look from a different angle. I like trees, I don't hug them or anything but I love their individual structures and sometime will suddenly say "that's a nice tree".Ripon Spa Gardens has some nice trees, and to make them more interesting they have Green man motifs on them, some attached to branches, some on the trunks, I love this because I often spot one that I don't think I have seen before. You can get a trail leaflet from Caroline at the spa garden cafe so you or the kids can search out all of the Green men. This morning I spotted a new tree, well not really a new tree, it's probably been there for decades, but this was the first time that I had noticed it. " That's a nice tree I exclaimed" suddenly looking around in case anyone was around to hear. 
So why not change your routes and routines and take time to notice the trees. 


  1. am also a tree-lover. I think they are good for the soul. Glad I am ususally surrounded by them :)

  2. But the real question is, who's Jonathan? One of the green men? One of the trees? I think we should be told! ;-)

    1. Naha well spotted Louise, as I normally only do Janathon, time and again I find myself typing it instead of Juneathon. Annoying auto correct keeps changing it. Plus blogged in a rush an didn't notice.
