Sunday 8 January 2012

#Janathon day 8 nearly forgot to blog

Started the day with a dog walk as a warm up then a long run. Aimed for 10. Managed 13. Bonus. Back in August I started my NCFE level 2 sports coach. After my holiday before school started I got loads done. But once back at work I never seemed to have time. I planned to finish it these holidays but what with one thing and another it did not get done. Over the last week I did I have done little bits. I am back at work tomorrow and I had promised I would get it finished. So this afternoon was lost to the laptop, and 1/2 an hour ago I finally submitted the last assessment. Just need to wait till its marked to see if Ive passed. Fingers crossed. I shut down the laptop and realised that I had forgotton to blog.

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