Thursday 26 January 2012

Day 26 Janathon got to dance

Started with a 2 mile dogjog in case I couldnt get to training because of dance practice. By tea time It was clear that dance and run training would ckash so I ate my tea quickly and went for a run. As I set of I decided i might as well do some training rather than just a run. I headed to landrover Hill a local hill that is about a third of a mile long. I did 6 hard efforts up with relaxed downs then ran home. 4.5 miles in the bag.
Got home 10 mins before my lift. Tonight was the final dance rehearsal so we went to the venue to get the feel of the placeI am not a dancer, I have never performed in front of anyone since I was a child. This will be as big a challenge as anything I have ever done, performing a dance at the running club annual dinner on Saturday.k

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